Getting Started

General Scripting 101 - Getting Started - Introduction - Weapons - Armor - FAQs

     Alright. You've decided to script in some cool new features! Good for you! Before you really begin, you'll need to get everything ready. After all, you can't make anything cool if you can't even find the right files to edit.

     Ideally, Dynamix would have put their files in common zip archives and renamed the extension. Unfortunely for us, they didn't so we need two programs to help us. The first program is something called "Volumer" version: 20b. This program was intended to eventually have *.vol (Tribes Volume Archive) creations upport, but the author stopped developing the program before that could happen. All this program does is extract files from a Tribes archive so we can work on it. One file you'll be dealing with is "scripts.vol" from the RPG folder. Using this program is easy, but incase you have any questions, I'll post how to use it here:

     -Download and install Volumer20b
     -Open up Volumer20b
     -Under the heading "Source", select your RPG folder
     -Under the heading "Volume List", select "scripts.vol"
     -Under the heading "Volume Content", select which files you wish to edit (check "Mark all" in the corner for all of them)
     -Under the heading "Destination", select the folder where you will keep all of your mod files from now on
     -Press Extract when ready


Download from High-Capacity DOWNLOAD
Download from Blue's News High-Capacity DOWNLOAD
Download from Fileplanet High-Capacity DOWNLOAD
Download from Wolf's Den High-Capacity DOWNLOAD


Visual VT:
     Once again, since Dynamix didn't feel the need to make ZIP files the volume format, we need another tool. This time, we need a nice tool to actually make the volume file after each major compilation/revision. In the mean time, you don't have to make the volume files, just stick a copy of the *.cs file in the RPG folder. However, it's always a good idea to make an archive when you are done with all the changes to be made for a while. Below are instructions for VVT:

     -Download and install Visual VT
     -Open up VVT (Visual VT, if you ever wonder on this tutorial)
     -Where it says "Source Directory" point it to where your mod's folder is (I told you to make one)
     -Where is says "Destination VOL" specify the volume file to make (such as scripts.vol if that's what you edited)
     -After you told it the Source Directory, you'll notice a lot of files popped into the Source Files header. Select your files.
     -After you select (either clicking or Ctrl+clicking) press the appropriate button (Add or Add All)
     -When you have added the files you wish to add, press the create button. Simple as that!


Download Setup-VVT.exe from High-Capacity DOWNLOAD
Download Setup-VVT.exe from Fileplanet High-Capacity DOWNLOAD
Download Setup-VVT.exe from High-Capacity DOWNLOAD


Microsoft Visual Studio:
     I know what you are thinking. "I don't have this program and it sounds expensive!" Be calm... Wordpad or even Notepad works just fine for this. All you need is a text editor with wordwrap turned off. I'd recommend Microsoft Visual Studio '98 or newer, but if you don't have it, don't worry. This is to actually work on the scripts themselves.

     -Open extracted file (you may wish to associate with Wordpad or Visual Studio)
     -Edit file until content
     -Save =D

Rather simple, no? Move on to the next step.

Tutorial © 2001-2003 by Particle.