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Please Read:
Rules for the use of services at pcrpg.org
Introduction |
This page contains the
official rule set for the Particle’s Custom RPG server located at the
official address (current IP is always listed on the Server page).
Should you choose to play on Particle’s Custom RPG server (hereafter
referred to as “the server”), you acknowledge to having read these rules
and having agreed to them. Lacking that, you at least agree to the
contents of this rule set and any rules, guidelines, and punishments
that may entail—even if it only comes up in the event of an infraction.
Just to make it clear
here and now, this rule set is a basic guideline for conduct on the
server. It is not necessarily a “holy text” of absolute rigidity that
must be followed. Bear in mind though, that as a player, YOU are
expected to rigidly follow these rules. The administration on the server
is not required to enforce these rules in every reported or observed
case, is not required to follow the exact punishment guidelines
provided, and will not be held responsible by the players for any
deviance from this rule set. These are guidelines for the administration
and absolute rules for the normal players.
The administration is
not out to cause problems, however. In the event that an administrator
or peacekeeper is acting outside of acceptable limits, they may be dealt
with by me or another outranking administrator at his or her discretion
with or without my permission or knowledge as determined on a
case-by-case basis of need. Obvious grounds for termination are good
enough for the immediate termination of an administrator or peacekeeper
without my direct interaction, though it should be reported promptly.
For you as a player to
gain the most (or indeed anything at all) from this document, you
absolutely MUST realize the following: THIS RULES DOCUMENT IS SIMPLY AN
such, this document is not all-inclusive. Nor is this document set in
stone so to speak.
All headings and
section/subsection titles are provided purely for convenience of the
reader and may not be used as a way to change the obviously implied
interpretation of the following rule set.
Section 1:
Etiquette, Courtesies, and General Conduct |
Subsection A: General
Player Conduct
Players on the server are expected to follow a basic pattern of
behavior. That behavior is being nice, courteous, and respectful of the
other players on the server. You are not entitled to play on the server
and have no more rights than any other player on the server. You are
allowed to do whatever it is that maximizes your concept of the game and
of having fun, granted that it does not violate this rule set or
otherwise infringe upon the other players of the server, the operation
of the server, or cause any technical problems with the game itself.
Subsection B:
Specific Etiquette and Courtesies
As a player on this server, you are expected to follow a code of
etiquette. It is not very difficult to do, as it is really just an
adaptation of common manners. Here are some things that you are
specifically forbidden to do:
Violate this rule
Willingly and
purposely cause others to violate this rule set
Spam the chat with
ANYTHING, no matter if you consider it useful or not
Purposely cause
frustration to other players or administrators
Section 2:
Communications |
Subsection A: Spam
Spamming in the global channel is very annoying and frustrating to
other players. There is no purposeful reason to spam in the global or
zone channels especially. You are considered to be spamming if you
repeat the same text, an obviously similar, or other content more than
two times repeatedly within any reasonably short span of time. I
hesitate to define a specific number of seconds, since spam can be
infrequent but at regular intervals, frequent but one time only, or any
combination. General conversation is of course acceptable, and you will
not be penalized for rapidly conversing with other players. The
administration will determine weather or not you should be penalized for
your conduct when in violation of this rule. You will only be considered
in violation if your content is deemed “spam” by the administration.
Punishments for
offenses of this type will be derived from Section 7, Subsection A.
Subsection B: Global
The global channel serves two main function in the world of TRPG.
Firstly, the global channel is a convenient way to communicate with
players across the entire game concerning game related content. This has
proven to be a highly useful way for newcomers to the modification and
veterans alike to receive help for problems they are encountering. The
second main function is that TRPG is a very chatroomesque game. Unlike
other RPGs, TRPG is restricted to a relatively small number of players
who can each chat with all of the other players in the game
simultaneously via the global channel. While this chatroom environment
is entertaining and obviously convenient, it is possible to abuse this
function. You should not use the global channel for private
conversations, such as those between you and an administrator or
peacekeeper regarding game matters. Additionally, you should not use the
global channel for arguing with some other player on the server. Both of
these activities should be kept in private “tell” channels. Similar
abuses of the global channel should also be avoided. Remember that not
everybody wants to know everything you want to say. By default,
everybody can see what you are sending to the global channel, however.
It is not acceptable to expect another player to turn off his or her
global channel feed solely because of your abuses of it.
Punishments for
offenses of this type will be derived from Section 7, Subsection A.
Subsection C:
Unacceptable Uses of In-Game Communications
There are many forms of communication provided in TRPG. In addition
to the global channel there is a private channel, a zone channel, and
even delayed messages when certain bots are present in the server. Never
should you communicate any of the following types of messages, or act in
the manner outlined by the following, even if a particular action is not
specifically mentioned:
pornographic or sexually suggestive
hateful, derogatory, racist, or negatively
otherwise illegal under United States law, Kansas
or Texas state laws, or the laws applicable to by the government
under which you are subject if you do not live in either Kansas or
abusive or hurtful
The one and only exception to this section is if the receiving player
has previously given you permission to send such messages. It is not my
intention to block forms of communication that do not hurt others
(unlike spam or arguments in the global channel) and is acceptable
between two parties. Do not mistake this exception as an ability to
ignore this rule.
Punishments for offenses of this type will be derived from Section 7,
Subsection B with Severe Emphasis.
Section 3: Game
Functionality |
Subsection A:
Abuse of Intended Services
The game provides a service to you, allowing you to play the game
known as TRPG. As with any service, you are not entitled to the use of
it. You are merely allowed to use the service so long as you do not
become a liability or otherwise undesirable. This will commonly be a
user who is abusive to other players, attempts to gain unauthorized
access to features (or bugs) in the game, or who is otherwise
disruptive. Should you attempt or be successful in violating intended
access levels or exploit features and/or bugs in the game, you are in
violation of the terms of service for this server. This includes:
Punishments for offenses of this type will
be derived from Section 7, Subsection B with Severe Emphasis.
Section 4: Core
Gameplay |
Subsection A:
Inter-Character Killing
TribesRPG provides the necessary abilities to allow the destruction of
another character's virtual life. While doing so is not illegal or a
moral obstacle for most, please do realize that players are often very
fond of the result of their online labor in this virtual world. Killing
another player's character is a serious event. In the past, a specific
amount of killings in a definite amount of time was defined as
acceptable. As it turns out, such a system proved to be inappropriate.
Instead, this matter reduces to a simpler matter of harassment. If you
are killing another player more than a couple times in a day or two, you
are likely bordering on harassment. Should the other player become
frustrated with your pursuit of his or her character's life, you should
stop. There are plenty of other players to interact with. Consider your
interlude with the former character finished. Additionally, if another
player's character has no reasonable means of defense against your
character (a severe mismatch in remort or level as determined by the
administration), you are not allowed to initiate an attack or
intentionally provoke an attack with that other character without prior
Punishments for offenses of this type will
be derived from Section 7, Subsection B without special emphasis.
B: Shoving
While the ability to shove in TribesRPG can be quite useful for
moving an AFK player out of the way or shoving a bot out of attacking
distance, it can also be abused. You should not be using shoving in a
particularly offensive manner such as shoving somebody off of a
potentially lethal height. Nor should you use shove to harass another
player such as shoving them off of an area that is difficult or time
consuming to get back to. Error on the side of caution. Even an accident
is still an intentional act, and your having not foreseen the
consequences is no excuse for your responsibility.
Punishments for offenses of this type will
be derived from Section 7, Subsection A with the exception that if this
subsection is intentionally used to evade another part of the rules or
intended conduct outlined by the rules the punishment should be derived
from Section 7, Subsection B with Severe Emphasis.
C: The Condition of AFK
When AFK, all gameplay-related protections (Sections 1, 2, and 3
still apply) provided to you as a player are forfeit for the duration of
your AFK status. If a character is non-responsive for an extended period
of time ranging from five minutes and up, the character is said to be
AFK. Exceptions to this are administrators and specially defined
characters such as the Tokath or Bromide bots.
No punishments will be provided if a
character's protections as outlined above are forfeit, however, invoking
this subsection falsely will lead to a punishment of your character or
Punishments for offenses of this type will
be derived from Section 7, Subsection A.
D: Theft
Theft of all legitimate kinds (intended game processes) is allowed
among characters in the server. The theft of both valuable and
invaluable objects is equally permissible provided that it does not
violate one of the following specific circumstances:
Prevent a player from being able to play
the game short of creating a new character. While you are not
expected to know if a player is capable of continuing, there are
some obvious situations where this is so. For instance, stealing a
pickaxe from a fairly new character is prohibited.
Theft of a pickaxe is disallowed if the
player only has one on him. The reason for this is that it prevents
the prior scenario from ever happening. A player will always be able
to mine and kill so long as they have the pickaxe and will not have
to restart the game with a new character.
You are not allowed to steal special
items that cannot be obtained within the normal scope of the game
such as the lightning blade.
Punishments for offenses of the type of the
first two bullets will be derived from Section 7, Subsection B with
Severe Emphasis. Punishments for offenses of the type of the last bullet
will be derived from Section 7, Subsection A.
Section 5:
Abusive Gameplay |
A: General Harassment
This subject is not easily defined due to the subjectivity of the
matter involved. As previously stated, you are allowed to do whatever
you like in order to pursue your own entertainment while on the server
provided that it does not interfere with another player's ability to do
the same, does not violate any specific rules outlined here, and
especially does not involve a misuse or abuse of the server or any other
related services provided. Should you be found being the instigator of a
harassment incident, you will be severely punished. Do not misunderstand
this rule—harassment will be decided on a per-case basis by an
administrator or peacekeeper. This rule is not a generic subsection that
can be invoked as revenge on another player or otherwise falsely. Doing
so will be considered not only harassment of the administration but also
a misuse of services provided.
Punishments for offenses of this type will
be derived from Section 7, Subsection B with Severe Emphasis.
B: Zone Hoarding
Remember that you are not entitled to your place in the server. Your
character exists for your entertainment shy of being a problem for
others or the server as has been defined previously. As such, you are
not allowed to prevent the usage of any given game zone by another
player. If you have tented or otherwise blocked a zone, are guarding a
zone to prevent its use, are dominating a disruptive number of NPCs, or
are performing a similar action you will be punished.
Punishments for offenses of this type will
be derived from Section 7, Subsection B.
C: Pack Guarding
A dropped pack that is protected from collection by anyone other
than a specific character may not be guarded by another player. To be
more clear, you are not allowed to directly or indirectly prevent a
player from retrieving his or her pack if it is protected. If the pack
is unprotected, the pack is fair game for anyone who wants it. Incorrect
LCK settings or being out of LCK is not an excuse for the responsibility
of this situation, which falls upon the person who dropped the pack
initially either due to pack creation or death. You may not kill another
player simply to get around this rule, either. Doing so is also
punishable. You are allowed, however, to kill another player with the
intention of looting if it falls outside of the scope of this and all
other rules.
Punishments for offenses of this type will
be derived from Section 7, Subsection B.
Section 6:
Definition of Authority |
Subsection A:
The administrators of the server are allowed to deviate from the
guideline outlined in these rules as required by a given situation in
order to maintain control and order. These administrators serve an
important role that helps maintain the smoothness and enjoyability of
the server while players are connected and interacting. They are not
required to necessarily adhere to this rule set, however that is
encouraged. Should an administrator be discovered to having been abusive
toward another player outside of the scope of his or her official
duties, he or she will have their position of authority swiftly
terminated. Do not be afraid to bring forth concerns regarding
administrators. If you don't report it, I will never know there is a
B: Peacekeepers
Unlike administrators, peacekeepers are meant to be normal players.
Their characters are not allowed to be enhanced directly or indirectly
by their powers outside of the scope of their intended function. Should
a peacekeeper be found to having been manipulating other players for the
pursuit of their own interests instead of the best interests of the
server as a whole, their position of authority will be swiftly
Small disputes are designed to be handled by
peacekeepers. Do not go to an administrator first if your complaint is
of small, petty, or limited nature. If the peacekeeper doesn't have the
authority to handle your issue, it will be referred to an administrator
by that peacekeeper. Do not forward the complaint to an administrator by
Section 7:
Guidelines for Punishment |
Subsection A: General Offense
Violation of the rule in question will normally result in the following
grade of punishments. Administrators may choose to skip levels or choose
alternative punishments as they deem necessary and desirable to
accomplish the goal of motivating the violator to cease violation of
this rule. Warnings may be brief or skipped entirely on a regular basis
as they are rarely effective. A player’s known persona may warrant the
need to skip such measures.
1st Offense:
Warning that the violator is in violation of the particular rule
2nd Offense:
Jail time of a minimum of 2 minutes up to 15 minutes
3rd Offense:
Jail time of a minimum of 5 minutes up to 60 minutes, and/or kicking.
4th Offense:
Jail time of a minimum of two hours, possible fines up to 50% of the
player’s wealth, and the possibility of a temporary ban. Jail time may
be required to be served without being AFK.
5th Offense:
Character and all characters corresponding to that character’s ownership
may be deleted without the possibility of restoration.
If offenses are spaced
out wider than a 30 day span, the total offenses number is reset. Also,
the punishments listed here are a guideline. Based on the circumstances
of the offense, your punishment may differ. This is up to the
administrator or peacekeeper who is assigning your punishment. I trust
in their judgment. Do not assume that I will override their decision
just because you do not like the punishment you received. Detected
manipulation of this guideline by a player to violate the rule in
question without receiving the intended punishments is prohibited and
will most likely get your character temporarily banned or cleared.
Subsection B:
Case-By-Case Special Offense
Violation of the rule in question will normally result in a
punishment determined sufficient and warranted by the administrator or
peacekeeper who is enforcing the particular instance of infraction. If
the rule is determined to be in violation of known laws above the
server's power to make and/or enforce, your characters may become
forfeit. This entails the deletion and permanent blockage of potential
restoration in the future. Breaking laws or core rules on the server
will not be tolerated.
Severe Emphasis is involved in an infraction that falls into this
category, the punishment's severity will be intentionally increased. An
appropriate minimum punishment will be a suspension from the server for
one week. This is not to say that this type of punishment without any
special emphasis cannot lead to punishments that are just as harsh as
with Severe Emphasis. The minimum is simply raised.
Conclusion |
It is my sincerest hope that none of you have to
undergo any form of punishment while you enjoy your stay on the server,
but I realize how unlikely that is of that happening. Many of you
will learn from accidental infractions and be the wiser for it.
Some of you will even take the initiative to read the rules to get an
idea for what we expect of you as a player. In short, we expect
good or neutral sportsmanship and a certain level of maturity. If
you cannot handle these requirements, you need to find a new game to
play. You don't need to be an adult physically to act like one.
Let's not forget that. Without further
rambling, I present to you the end of this document. I hope that
the examples and definitions contained within help you to be a better
player and maybe even a better person.
Particle |
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